воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

boston ma theater

So hey again.� Iapos;m sitting here on what I guess would be another prototypical sunday during my period of life as a college student.

As far as immediate things go, things are going well.� Iapos;m pretty sure I did decently on both of my tests, I passed my teaching obeservation, and�I am halfway through my unit plan for teaching.�

That said I am currently dwelling on the fact that I have so much work to do, I need to get my act together and get in shape, and I feel at times that itapos;ll be impossible to find a half-way decent woman who is romantically interested in me.� And to be entirely honest that has me down.

Mandi has stopped talking to me completely, and I canapos;t quite understand why.� Since I donapos;t know the inner workings of her life, I will just assume some friend assured her she could do better, or she met a guy who was more appealing.� Or, she just decided she wanted to focus on her academic endeavors for the time being.

Anyways thatapos;s frustrating.

I dumped the girl I was dating before that Alayna.� And while Iapos;m sure Iapos;d enjoy having her affection, it wasnapos;t a good situation.� She lived with her mother, had a job as a dance teacher (but wasnapos;t getting enough money to move out of her momapos;s house before she was ancient), and her mom was just domineering.� She seemed nice enough, but wouldnapos;t let Alayna who was 21 call a guy (what?).� Alayna was also boring.� What I mean is it seemed like we had very little in common interest wise.� Church and southern conservatism seemed to be her life, and while I dig religion to some extent, thatapos;s not really what Iapos;m about as a person...

Anyways, there could be someone at UGAapos;s presbyterian student center, but I havenapos;t been there enough recently to see that through.�

There is also someone I have a huge crush on someone who I know through something related to school.� The problem is I am "pretty" sure she has a boyfriend.� At least I think she said this in passing once.� However, Iapos;m not positive.� The guy she supposedly is in a relationship with on facebook either claims heapos;s gay or is saying that as a joke.� And furthermore, the bad, lustful, part of me, is convinced that Iapos;m just a better match for her then whoever she is dating.� We get along so well when we talk.� But getting along doesnapos;t necessarily mean two people are meant to date, it could just mean weapos;re suppose to be friends.� Itapos;d be so nice if she was single or "liked" me too.� But things like that donapos;t generally happen that way.� At least not in my world.

I guess aside from school and crushes, there isnapos;t a whole lot I feel like discussing.

I will say that politically Iapos;m frustrated with this country.� One seemingly bright teacher I work with at my school is a conservative solely because of the abortion/pro-life issue.� Pesonally, I think thatapos;s stupid.� There are so many more pertinant issues such as our economy, the war in Iraq, the possibilty of upsetting Korea and making a war occur there, terriost attacks, the baby boom generation and the impact thatapos;ll have on society, etc, etc, etc.�

In general, I like Obama, but I am concerned that in this economy that going tax-happy on certain businesses/industries will just make things worse.� Yes, I agree that taxation in a dismal economy can be effective because the taxes can be used to create new government jobs.� But, I wonder if that is what Obama would really do with these tax increases.� Additionally he plans to tax gasoline and oil companies, which will raise the price of gas.� I do agree that since gas prices didnapos;t fall when Bush gave a tax break to not drop the tax levels, but I donapos;t see how increasing them will do much good.� Futhermore, Obama seems to be too idealistic and say heapos;s going to do all these things if put in office.� Thatapos;s great, but it just doesnapos;t seem possible to do everything.� Even with a democratic majority in the house and senate.

McCain.� 8 years ago I really liked McCain, because he seemed to be a conservative-moderate.� But over the last 8 years heapos;s seemed to sell his soul and preach enitrely conservative views just to become president.� So if McCain was elected, what policies would he actually institute?� Another problem I have is the fact that he nominated Palin.� Donapos;t even get me started on the people who think that was a good choice.� It makes my blood boil.� He should have at least tried to nominate Kathryn Ann Bailey Hutchison first.��At least she isnapos;t even remotely an embarassment to women like Palin.��The other thing that concerns me is McCain, like many conservatives, has a "stay in a war to win at all costs" mentality.� I havenapos;t been following the debates but a know around a year ago, he said if he was elected heapos;d stay in Iraq and significantly increase troop deployment.

In essence, neither candidate thrills me,�but both are better than Bush.� Iapos;ll just pray if McCain wins, he doesnapos;t get assainated.� If Palin become president, I would "consider" moving to Canada.


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